We are seeking proposals for chapters in an edited volume,
tentatively entitled Gender, Global Health, and Violence: Feminist Perspectives
on Peace and Disease, to be proposed to the series Routledge studies on Global
Health and Politics (edited by Sophie Harman and Adam Kamradt-Scott). The
volume seeks to address the complex relationships between health and social
care and different forms of violence, as questions that require a variety of
feminist approaches. Violence in this context should be understood widely as
both direct (physical, mental, or threatened), and indirect (structural,
cultural, slow), including instances of what may be termed injustice. The
volume primarily situates itself at the intersection of gender studies,
feminist security studies, peace studies, political economy, and global health.
However, we welcome both theoretical and empirical approaches from a variety of
critical disciplinary and inter-disciplinary perspectives and methodologies.
Abstracts should be 300-500 words long, exploring the interconnection between
global health, peace, and violence, through a number of topics, including, but
not limited to: age and disability issues; weapons and weapon technology;
reproductive health; humanitarian interventions and human rights; sports and
sports medicine; gender and sexuality; migration and mobility, including
internal displacement; intimate violence; non-communicable and infectious
diseases; war and armed conflict; feminist science and technology; the carceral
state; ethics of care and care practices; militarism; environment and climate
change; global health governance; commodification and marketisation of health
and social care. Please send your abstract, title, and a short CV (2-3 pages)
to Tiina Vaittinen (tiina.vaittinen(at)[]) and Catia Confortini (cconfort(at)[]) by December 31, 2016.