Saturday, February 1, 2014

Preliminary: Second Global South International Studies Conference, Bangkok

In cooperation with  ISA President-elect Amitav Acharya, the Global South Caucus of the ISA and the Asia-Pacific region are co-sponsoring a  conference under the theme  “Voices from Outside: Re-shaping International Relations Theory and Practice in an Era of Global Transformation.” The conference is scheduled to be held in Bangkok in January 2015 (tentatively 8-10th) , hosted by Chulalongkorn University. We assume that the political situation in Thailand will have been stabilized by then. The conference will also serve as the Second Global South International Studies Conference, following the first held at Sciences Po in Menton, France, in November 2012. As before, information will be made available and continually updated on the GSCIS blogsite, until the conference website is  uploaded. In keeping with our ongoing initiatives as well as past practice,  we are reserving some panels and workshops for institutions in Latin America, Africa, Developing Eurasia, and the Middle East.  A ‘call for papers’ will be published in  April 2014.  

Conference participants will be able to register either as GSCIS members or Asia-Pacific region-section members. GSCIS members or prospective members will be asked to submit their panel and paper proposals directly to us. Beyond just the natural focus on "Asia and the World" we anticipate that the following will be the sub-themes for GSCIS participants at the conference:

Ways to move toward a more inclusive IR (including proposals on the relevance of the usual theories: realism, liberalism, constructivism, critical theory and new angles on new and old theories)

Changes in North and South: transformation of global structure, rise of emerging powers, trend toward regionalism

The north in south Foreign policies today; the south in north policies today (new policies, new ideas, new approaches, strategies)
Small state issues such as sustainable development (Pacific small states in particular)  

Development: changes in thinking and practice in in north and south

Security: new challenges involving north and south

Challenges of regional hegemons/powers; challenges of small powers.

networking on teaching and research on/in the global south.

Watch for more details later.