Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Business Meeting San Francisco

This is a reminder to caucus members that the Caucus Business Meeting will be held on Friday, April 5th at 12.30 pm (after the Distinguished Scholar Luncheon to be held in the Urban Tavern restaurant from 11.15 am), in Golden Gate 8, Hilton Union Square. The agenda is the following:
1.      Report on 2012-13 activities and plans for next year (Chair)
2.      Report on Finances (Treasurer)
3.      Vote on constitution
4.      Elections: Nominations are invited from the floor for the following EXCOM positions: Africa specialist; Latin American specialist; Eurasian or South in the North specialist) as well as other positions.
5.      Second Global South International Studies Conference (bids open)
6.      Any other business.