Friday, September 30, 2016

Call for Chapters: Gender, Global Health and Violence


We are seeking proposals for chapters in an edited volume, tentatively entitled Gender, Global Health, and Violence: Feminist Perspectives on Peace and Disease, to be proposed to the series Routledge studies on Global Health and Politics (edited by Sophie Harman and Adam Kamradt-Scott). The volume seeks to address the complex relationships between health and social care and different forms of violence, as questions that require a variety of feminist approaches. Violence in this context should be understood widely as both direct (physical, mental, or threatened), and indirect (structural, cultural, slow), including instances of what may be termed injustice. The volume primarily situates itself at the intersection of gender studies, feminist security studies, peace studies, political economy, and global health. However, we welcome both theoretical and empirical approaches from a variety of critical disciplinary and inter-disciplinary perspectives and methodologies. Abstracts should be 300-500 words long, exploring the interconnection between global health, peace, and violence, through a number of topics, including, but not limited to: age and disability issues; weapons and weapon technology; reproductive health; humanitarian interventions and human rights; sports and sports medicine; gender and sexuality; migration and mobility, including internal displacement; intimate violence; non-communicable and infectious diseases; war and armed conflict; feminist science and technology; the carceral state; ethics of care and care practices; militarism; environment and climate change; global health governance; commodification and marketisation of health and social care. Please send your abstract, title, and a short CV (2-3 pages) to Tiina Vaittinen (tiina.vaittinen(at)[]) and Catia Confortini (cconfort(at)[]) by December 31, 2016.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Hong Kong conference, Cuba, Baltimore etc.

Hi Colleagues:
As you know, the ISA is holding a conference in Hong Kong in June 2017. For more information please see the ISA website. A call for proposals went out some time ago.

The GSCIS would like to sponsor or co-sponsor some panels at the conference and we are asking anyone who is interested in participating to let us know, separately from your submission to the HK organizers, so that we can liaise appropriately with them. Please send your proposals (or a message regarding your submission) to me in my capacity as Chair of the Advisory Committee on Outreach and Conferences. Click here:

In connection with this, we are asking for participants in a roundtable proposed by Prof. Runa Das entitled:
"Sharing Globally Lived Experiences, Challenges and Promises in Academia." The RT fits into the GSCIS's aim to encourage networking between scholars working in the North and those in the South. It aims to develop/suggest coalition-building, survival, and networking strategies for these globally employed scholars across several continents to see how they can meet “structural hindrances” that are faced in academia. 
If you are planning on attending the HK conference and would like to give a presentation at this  RT, please let me know as soon as possible.

Other News
Work on holding a workshop (no more than 100 participants) in Cuba in 2017 (after the HK conference) is proceeding apace, and we will soon let you know definitively whether it will be held. The prognosis is good. The workshop will be devoted to our usual GSCIS themes, namely "decolonizing" IR, including local and regional perspectives in IR (with a view to producing a Global IR,  helping global south scholars integrate into the academy )wherever they are located),  and clarifying the link between theory and practice in GS studies. 
As soon as the exact dates and arrangements are complete, we will send out a notice to you all. However, you may wish to begin thinking about whether you would like to participate in such a meeting and even get ahead of the game by emailing me so that I can have an idea of how many may wish to participate. Because of the numerical restrictions,  GSCIS members will be given priority for this meeting. A general call to ISA members will be made AFTER a call to the GSCIS.

Some members have been asking about the proposed Brazil conference. The following post appeared earlier and is repeated here for those who missed it:

Dear Members:
In the summer newsletter which is on its way to you, you will note that the Third GSCIS Conference  scheduled for Brazil has been postponed in order to avoid clashing with other ISA conferences scheduled for next summer. Instead the Committee on Outreach is currently negotiating to hold a few smaller workshops in 2017. One such will take place in Manila within the larger PHISO conference, and a second is tentatively (Note: tentatively) scheduled for Havana. We will update you soon regarding the latter.
jbw, Chair, Outreach

And so, see Cuba update above.
Imad Mansour (Program Chair) and Nanette Svenson (GSCIS Chair) have been working hard on our Baltimore offerings.  Thanks to a very cooperative program committee as well as the other section and caucus chairs, the GSCIS will this year sponsor or co-sponsor the most panels and roundtables we have ever had. By now you will have received your acceptances so be sure to pre-register soon to secure your place. A fall newsletter will be out in due course, with preliminary information on the program.


Next blog entry : Call for Chapters for a Book:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

American University: Position Open in race and gender

Race and Global Studies
 Assistant Professor Tenure Track
School of International Service American University

The School of International Service at American University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Race and Global Studies to begin August 1, 2017 at the rank of Assistant Professor. Applicants should have a PhD or the highest equivalent degree in a relevant discipline or an anticipated PhD completion by August 2017. As a school that includes a diversity of scholarly disciplines and approaches, we seek the best candidates without respect to a particular discipline. We seek scholar-teachers whose work is theoretically grounded, empirically tested, and policy relevant.
Candidates should demonstrate excellence in research and teaching and a commitment to university service. Candidates should share the School’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. The ideal candidate is a scholar-teacher who brings together conceptual and empirical innovations in the investigation of race, racism, racialization, and power in global context. SIS is particularly interested in scholars who adopt transnational, cross-national, historical, and/or intersectional approaches to the study of race. The search is open as to academic discipline, research methods, levels of analysis and geographic area. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to, race and diasporas, displacement and migration, race and violence/human rights, relationships between institutions and racial identities, as well as race and the environment, labor or global health.

Salary and benefits are competitive. Review of applications will begin September 15, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit applications via: Include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, recent teaching evaluations, and a copy of a recent published paper or working paper. Applicants should also submit the names and emails of three references who will automatically be contacted and asked for a confidential letter of recommendation.

Queries about the search should be sent to Queries about the online application system should be sent to

American University is a private institution within easy reach of the many centers of government, business, research, and the arts located within the nation’s capital. For more information about American University, visit
Established in 1957, American University’s School of International Service (SIS) is a top-ten school of international affairs located in Washington, D.C. SIS faculty produce transformational research and prepare our students for global careers in government, nonprofits, and business. SIS’s prime location provides opportunities for research, professional training, public service, and internships in the nation’s capital and around the world.
Housed in a beautiful LEED-Gold certified building which reflects our commitment to sustainability and ecological stewardship, SIS is a diverse and inclusive community of 3,000 students, 120+ full-time faculty and more than 20,000 alumni worldwide. Our offerings feature a comprehensive liberal arts program for undergraduates, professional education in international affairs for Master’s students, and a multidisciplinary program for Doctoral students. Learn more about SIS at

American University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution that operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The university does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, personal appearance, gender identity and expression, family responsibilities, political affiliation, source of income, veteran status, an individual’s genetic information or any other bases under federal or local laws (collectively “Protected Bases”) in its programs and activities. American University is a tobacco and smoke free campus.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Dear Colleagues:
We have been silent for a while, only because Imad and Nanette have been working hard on the Baltimore program. We can say in a preliminary way that the caucus will sponsor and co-sponsor the largest number of panels it has ever done, so stay tuned.
Meanwhile, for those who need travel grants please note the following message from ISA:

The ISA 2017 Program Team is working hard to craft the program for the ISA 2017 Convention in Baltimore, and the program will be released on September 16, 2016.
Travel grants are made available by ISA to supplement travel costs for members presenting at the 2017 Convention. The submission deadline for travel grants is September 7, 2016, and award decisions will be announced on September 30, 2016.
For more information about the ISA 2017 Travel Grant program and to apply for a grant, visit our ISA 2017 Travel Grant website:[].
Thank you for your support of ISA and your interest in our convention; we look forward to a great convention in Baltimore next February.
J. Andrew Grant
ISA 2017 Program Chair

Stay tuned for a message about ISA's Hong Kong conference next year in the next blog entry.