Saturday, March 19, 2022

Our apologies for the long delay in updating the blog

 Dear Members:

The blog has been a bit inactive and we apologize to all the members. JBW and some older members were busily engaged in our constitutional review, a repot on which will be filed later.. 

 Last year was a difficult year for all of us. Let's catch up now.

Elections were held last fall and the results were the following:

Professor Aigul KULNAZAROVA has been elected as our new Chair 2022-2023 with more than 97% of votes. The total vote of our membership is 29.01%." (emphasis in original)

New EXCOMM, 2022-2024:

Chair : Aigul KULNARAROVA, Tama University, Japan

Vice-Chair/Program Chair : Zaynab EL BERNOUSSI, Université Internationale de Rabat, Morocco

At-Large Africa Representative: Cyril OBI, SSRC, New York

At-Large Latin American and Caribbean Representative: Valeria M. VALLE, Universidad IberoAmericano, Mexico

At-Large North-South or Eurasian Representative: Jason STRAKES

At-Large Middle East/North Africa Representative: Raslan IBRAHIM, State University of New York at Geneseo

At-Large Asia Representative: Khushi SINGH RATHORE, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Ex-Officio (past chair): Dêlidji Eric DEGILA, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

Secretary/Communications Director: Nassef MANABILANG ADIONG, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, The Philippines

Newsletter Editor: Marcos S. SCAUSO, Quinnipiac University, USA

Treasurer: Consuelo DAVILA PEREZ, UNAM, Mexico 
These results will be confirmed and the new executive will be introduced at the Business Meeting at ISA, March 31, 2022, 7:00AM - 8:00AM (Nashville time) virtually. All members should have received the link via email but in case you did not:

To join, please click on the following link :
or enter meeting ID: 
443 554 4532, Access code: GSCIS2022

The Caucus is sponsoring or co-sponsoring the following panels at:

#ISA2022 - ISA 2022 Annual Convention - March 28th - April 2nd, 2022
A Wider Discipline For A Smaller World

Monday 8am-9.30 am
The Global South Agency and Covid-19: Impact and Response (Virtual panel)
Monday 11am-12.30pm 
Summits of Great Powers and African Agency (virtual roundtable)
Monday 2pm-3.30pm (cosponsored by ISSS)
Global South Perspectives III: Existential Threats? (virtual panel)
Friday 8.15am-10am (with FPA)
Global South Perspectives on the New Era: Strategizing the US-China Rivalry (in person)
Saturday 10.30am-12.15am (in-person)
Legitimation Contests in the Global South - Advancing alternatives to studying regional integration
Same time:
Global South Perspectives I: Grand Strategy (with ISSS) (in person)

We hope to see you there!