Tuesday, August 20, 2019

News from Summer to December 2019

Dear Colleagues:

ISA's Accra conference is now over. We hope that all of you who participated had a very good and productive meeting. The caucus was represented by various panelists and, at the formal level, by Arlene Tickner, past caucus chair, and Paul Adogamhe, one of the former Africa-slot EXCOM members. Both welcomed participants at a caucus-sponsored afternoon get together which doubled as a recruiting event. We hope that many African scholars will see fit to join the ISA and in particular, the caucus, thus aiding our goal, established from the foundation of the caucus, of  expanding ISA into the global south and incorporating GS scholars and scholarship into IR. For more information on this ISA event, see the latest newsletter. Here are some pics of the event.

In other news, our program chair for 2020, Jason Strakes, has been hard at work maximizing our panel share for Hawaii. All of us who have worked hard for the caucus cannot but be pleased at the numerous ways in which ISA and the sections have been incorporating GS scholarship in recent years. No longer do you (members) have to rely on caucus sponsorship only; now almost all sections are including GS scholars as a priority.
We understand that the ISA program chairs are hard at work putting next year's program together and we look forward to soon seeing the preliminary program.
Meanwhile there are a number of other activities being planned for 2019-2021 so please continue to log into the blog from time to time. And do send us any information you would like disseminated. Our new Communications team will mirror blog entries on our other social media platforms.

From the previous Communications Director, A Call for Papers:

From: Thiago Moreira De Souza Rodrigues <trodrigues@id.uff.br>
Subject: Call for Papers "Crime and International Relations" - Monções (Journal of International Relations)

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to share the Call for Papers for the Monções' Special Issue "Crime and International Relations". Monções is a new and promising journal on international relations edited by the Grande Dourados National University (UFGD), Brazil. We are looking forward to gathering innovative and provoking articles on this momentous topic of the contemporary global politics. 

Please, find the complete call at the following links:

Guest Editors:

Marcelo Campos (UFGD)
Manuela Trindade (IRI/PUC-Rio)
Paulo Pereira (PPGRI - Santiago Dantas/PUC-SP)

Thiago Rodrigues (INEST/UFF)


The Mexican Association of International Studies (AMEI) held its 33rd annual convention in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, October 3-5, 2019.  Our caucus chair was a specially invited guest, giving a keynote address entitled Contemporary Security Challenges in the Global South: An African Perspective. Here are some photos:


The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) invites submissions (in English or Spanish) to its journal of International Relations:
Editorial Guidelines
The Journal of International Relations of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Revista de Relaciones Internacionales de la UNAM) is a scientific journal, which addresses international topics that include international politics, Mexico’s foreign policy, area studies, International Law, International Cooperation, Human Development, International Economics and Trade, among others.
The main objective of the Journal of International Relations of the National Autonomous University of Mexico is to spread academic work and research on the field of International Relations, aiming to contribute to knowledge development about different scopes that conform the international reality, as well as contributing to the modern theoretical and empirical debates, which take place upon the world.
The thematic path made through the Journal collaborations circumscribes to theory and methodology study areas, International Politics, Foreign Policy, International Economy, International Law and area studies. There has been dissertation on topics such as armament, regional integration, globalization, Mexican foreign policy, national security, peace maintenance operations, environment, international monetary system, economy and international trade, among others, always presented with newfangled contributions, which create academic and professional debate.
1. Nature of works
They must be results or investigation advances from academics and professionals with a degree on International Relations or related disciplines. Works must be originals and with high standard upon topics related to international relations.
2. Texts features
2.1 The The Journal of International Relations of the National Autonomous University of Mexico accepts for its publishing the following works:
2.1.1 Articles: original research works, with theoretical or empirical character with a suitable analytic development. They must include introduction, development and conclusions, as well as abstract and key words, both in English and Spanish. Its extension can be from 25 to 35 pages.
2.1.2 Research notes: works that inform briefly particular discoveries, new contributions, findings replications or ads to scientific literature that justify their
publishing on the extension and theoretical development or the analytic detail required for the articles. Its extension is from 10 to 15 pages.
2.1.3 Reviews: essay works analyzing editorial novelties of academic and scientific interest. Its extension will be of 5 pages.
2.2 All works must use capital and small letter clearly differentiated and have no orthographic mistakes. Texts must be on letter size paper, numerated, with 1.5 space and Times New Roman 12 size font must be used.
2.3 They must include, on foot note, notes and bibliographic references rightly drafted and numerated as in the following examples:
Juan González, El futuro de México, Porrúa, México, 1998, pp. 42-43.
Magazine or newspaper articles:
Abelardo Villegas, “La filosofía y la ciencia en la actual encrucijada” en OMNIA, vol. 5, núm. 15, Coordinación General de Estudios de Posgrado, UNAM, México, junio 1989, p. 63.
Electronic resources:
Organización de las Naciones Unidas, Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la delincuencia organizada transnacional y sus protocolos, Oficina contra la droga y el delito, Nueva York, 2004, disponible enhttps://www.unodc.org/documents/treaties/UN TOC/Publications/TOC%20Convention/TOCebook-s.pdf fecha de consulta: 15 de marzo de 2018.
2.4 All texts must include at the end of the document a numbered list with all the resources consulted for its elaboration.
2.5 Include on the first page an abstract of the article, no more than 200 words, in English and Spanish (resumen) and key words (palabras clave) in both languages. The abstract must comprise all the important concepts from the article and its correlations, as well as present the main conclusions.
3. Delivery Form
3.1 Authors must deliver their texts on electronic format, using Word processor.
3.2 Out of respect for the author, the editing team of the Journal can’t modify the texts, so it is limited to point out observations.
4. Identification
On the first page, where indicates the author’s name, must include on footnote:
4.1 Brief academic-professional reference.
4.2 Curricular synthesis: academic degree and institution that grants it, specialization area, recent publications, dependence where he or she works.
4.3 E-mail that allows the author localization.
5. Sending
All collaborations must be sent in attention to Dr. Tomás Milton Muñoz Bravo, Journal’s director, to the e-mail revistarriiunam@politicas.unam.mx
6. Evaluation and dictum
6.1 The dictum issued through a double-blind method is anonymous and unappealable.
6.2 Works will be evaluated by two specialists reviewers externals from the institution of the articles author.
6.3 Specialists will issue a dictum about scientific quality of the article or research note and the convenience of its publishing.
6.4 Dictums can be:
6.4.1 Publish the texts as presented.
6.4.2 Publish the text after attending observations suggested by the dictator.
6.4.3 Do not publish the text, because it breaks with the minimum criteria.
6.5 In case both dictums differ, will be solicited a third evaluation.
6.6 The reviewers decision will be notified to the author by e-mail.
7. Journal’s exclusivity
Works sent to the Journal of International Relations of the National Autonomous University of Mexico must be unpublished and its authors compromise not to submit them to consideration of other publications.
8. Authors rights and obligations
8.1 The Journal of International Relations of the National Autonomous University of Mexico will maintain the anonymity of the authors of the articles and notes and will not spread more than necessary for the dictum process.
8.2 In case there is inconformity or doubts, the authors can manifest them by writing to the Journal director or editor.
8.3 Authors must assume the following compromises:
8.3.1 Lecture and acceptance of the editorial standards of the Journal.
8.3.2 Not publishing their article in any other journal, book or paper, either printed or electronic.
8.3.3 Give the copyright and public communication of the manuscript for its spreading and exploitation through internet, portals and wireless devises that the Journal director decides to put them at the readers’ disposition for its online query, for its printing and to be downloaded and archived.
9. Return of originals
9.1 The Journal it’s not responsible for the return of originals.

9.2 The Journal reserves the right to return every work that does not accomplish the specs pointed.