The ISA-FLACSO Joint Meeting, held in Quito, Ecuador, 25-27 July, was well attended and a success. The theme was "Power Reconfigurations: Regional and Global Responses in an Age of Uncertainty" (Reconfiguraciones de Poder: Respuestas Regionales y Globales en Tiempos de Incertidumbre)." About 650 individual presenters attended, according to a count of the program's Index. Caucus members and associates were very visible. giving presentations on Latin American issues, the rise of China, African international relations and other themes within the subfields of theory, foreign policy, security, law and political economy.
Highlights included the welcome by ISA's Executive Director and the Director of FLACSO-Ecuador Juan Ponce Jarrin. Thsi was followed by a plenary featuring current ISA president Patrick James and Past President Etel Solingen as well as FLACO secretary general Josette Altamann Borbon and Professor Oscar Ugarteche of UNAM, Mexico.
Caucus Chair Arlene Tickner chaired a number of panels and arranged and hosted a caucus breakfast for all participating members on the first day. For more information, see of course, ISA's website as well as the caucus social media communications.
Caucus members are now focusing on Toronto!
Brazil, Ecuador, Suriname, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago (US) and Jamaica (US) presenters pose after their roundtable on "Influence Strategies of Global South States."
Highlights included the welcome by ISA's Executive Director and the Director of FLACSO-Ecuador Juan Ponce Jarrin. Thsi was followed by a plenary featuring current ISA president Patrick James and Past President Etel Solingen as well as FLACO secretary general Josette Altamann Borbon and Professor Oscar Ugarteche of UNAM, Mexico.
Caucus Chair Arlene Tickner chaired a number of panels and arranged and hosted a caucus breakfast for all participating members on the first day. For more information, see of course, ISA's website as well as the caucus social media communications.
Caucus members are now focusing on Toronto!
Brazil, Ecuador, Suriname, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago (US) and Jamaica (US) presenters pose after their roundtable on "Influence Strategies of Global South States."