IPE presents:
Medea Benjamin
Speaks on
How to Stop The Next War Now: Effective
Responses to Violence and Terrorism
ISA members are encouraged to join us in a session to honor Medea Benjamin,
recipient of the 2017 IPE Outstanding Activist Scholar award. Medea is being
honored for her scholarship, activism, and leadership with the women-led peace
group CODEPINK as well as the human rights group Global Exchange. She is
the author of eight books, including Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control,
Greening of the Revolution: Cuba’s Experiment with Organic Agriculture, and
most recently Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection.
Friday February 24th 1:45-3:30pm
Hilton 2 (Hilton - Baltimore)
J. Ann Tickner
Andrej Grubačić
Robin Broad
Hasmet M. Uluorta
The authors are respectively:
Distinguished Scholar in Residence, American University
Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies
Professor, American University
Assistant Professor, Trent University
For further information please contact Hasmet at huluorta@trentu.ca
The Second ISA - GSC Dialogue 2017: A Reminder
During the 2016 annual convention in Atlanta, the Global South Caucus, in conjunction with ISA Headquarters, hosted the inaugural Global South Dialogue. The dialogue was a forum that provided space for ISA members located in or with origins from the Global South to discuss their views of the ISA; their roles in the ISA; and the factors that have influenced the ability and willingness of Global South scholars to participate in the ISA.
The Dialogue proved to be a fruitful interchange that brought to light concerns about:
Perceived ideological, epistemological and methodological biases in ISA research and publications that may run counter to research agendas and approaches pursued by scholars in the Global South;
Travel, visa and other logistical matters relating to the location of ISA annual conference and meetings;
The barriers to involvement that the exclusive use of the English language in the ISA causes;
The risks to academic freedom that location in some areas of the Global South may pose and which may hinder involvement in the ISA;
The limited visibility and knowledge about the ISA and its utility in academic circles outside of the Global North.
The participants in this forum also provided valuable suggestions to address the issues raised. These perspectives, concerns and suggestions have been passed on to the leadership of the ISA and some actions have been taken in response. This year’s follow-up session will provide participants with information about these actions taken in response to the 2016 Dialogue and will allow ISA members an opportunity to continue the discussion in our efforts to continually enhance the association. Please come out and join the Dialogue on Wednesday, February 22, from 10:30 AM to 12:15 PM. Location: Paca, Hilton-Baltimore.
AGENDA Time Activity Facilitator
10:30-10:35 Welcome and Introduction Kristina Hinds Aigul Kulnazarova Lembe Tiky 10:35-10:40 Brief on last year’s dialogue Lembe Tiky
10:40-11:05 Travel grants and ISA resources: a. presentations – Boyer/ Tiky, 5 mins each b. discussion (including proposals/suggestions) Mark Boyer Lembe Tiky
11:05-11:30 Research collaboration and publications: a. presentations – Thies/ Kulnazarova, 5 mins each b. discussion (including proposals/suggestions) Cameron Thies Aigul Kulnazarova
11:30-11:55 Representation in ISA governing bodies: a. presentations – Leeds/ Hinds, 5 mins each b. discussion (including proposals/suggestions) Brett Ashley Leeds Kristina Hinds
11:55-12:05 Conclusion and recommendations Lembe Tiky Kristina Hinds (recorder)
12:05-12:15 Miscellaneous (announcement of new books authored by GSC members, etc.) Aigul Kulnazarova
Aigul Kulnazarova, Member of EXCOM, Global South Caucus
Tama University, Japan
Kristina Hinds, Member of EXCOM, Global South Caucus
The University of the West Indies, Barbados
Lembe Tiky, Director of Academic Development, ISA
University of Connecticut, USA
Special Guests
Brett Ashley Leeds, Incoming President, ISA
Rice University, USA
Cameron Thies, Editor-In-Chief, Foreign Policy Analysis Journal
Arizona State University, USA
Mark Boyer, Executive Director, ISA
University of Connecticut, USA
Call for Papers for Journal
CFP Dialectical Anthropology Special Section Nationalisms and the Middle East
As an idea, nationalism arrived late to the Middle East, gaining momentum only with the Ottoman Empire’s slow decline in the early twentieth century. Grafted onto the multiethnic and multireligious social fabrics of the Ottoman Empire, with the aim of consolidating the multitude of identities into a single unitary one, nationalism, in the countries of this region has been manifested in multiple forms. Zionism, which was initially external to the region, emerged in response to a long history of anti-Semitism in Europe. Arab nationalism (despite emerging in the early 20th century during the crumbling days of the Ottoman Empire) only solidified after the Second World War during decolonization. Arab nationalism evolved in response to contradictory experiences including territorial identities, pan-Arabism and colonial experience. In Turkey and Iran, nationalisms emerged as a response to their own imperial pasts, in the absence of the experience of colonialism. Notwithstanding these differences, however, in all of these cases, early nationalisms in the Middle East provided the ideological background for modernization. As the driving force of modernization, nationalism was operationalized by governing elites to silence and homogenize diverse experiences of class, gender, ethnic and religious differences in different parts of the Middle East. A nationalist surge, which started in the region at the dawn of the 20st century, is now in the early part of the 21st century.in[century.in] crisis throughout the Middle East. National identities, once imposed by regimes in Arabic speaking countries, have become fragmented along ethnic, religious, linguistic and also class lines. Turkish nationalism, which attempted to create a singular identity out of the heterogeneous populations of the Ottoman Empire, is now unable to project a unified image. It is largely incapable of mediating competing claims between Kurdish, urban secular and religious/conservative segments of the population. The delicate balance between religious and secular Jewish identities that was kept in place by modern Zionism is also under increasing stress, as the religious right has increasingly refused to accept traditional Zionism’s secular outlook. This special issue will reflect on the current state of nationalisms in the Middle East and invites papers that focus on but are not limited to the following topics for specific countries in the Middle East including Balkans: · _The rise of political Islam and declining national identities · _The impact of the neoliberal transformation of the region on national regimes · _Shifting ethnic, class and cultural identities in relation to national narratives · _Gender and national transformations · _The breakdown of national borders and new geopolitical realities The full manuscript should be approximately 7,000 words including notes and bibliography. Please indicate your interest by submitting an abstract with title by email to:
Guest editor: Feyzi Baban International Development Studies Trent University Peterborough, Canada fbaban@trentu.ca Important Dates: Abstract: March 6, 2017 Full Version: - June 1, 2017
Speaks on
How to Stop The Next War Now: Effective
Responses to Violence and Terrorism
ISA members are encouraged to join us in a session to honor Medea Benjamin,
recipient of the 2017 IPE Outstanding Activist Scholar award. Medea is being
honored for her scholarship, activism, and leadership with the women-led peace
group CODEPINK as well as the human rights group Global Exchange. She is
the author of eight books, including Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control,
Greening of the Revolution: Cuba’s Experiment with Organic Agriculture, and
most recently Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection.
Friday February 24th 1:45-3:30pm
Hilton 2 (Hilton - Baltimore)
J. Ann Tickner
Andrej Grubačić
Robin Broad
Hasmet M. Uluorta
The authors are respectively:
Distinguished Scholar in Residence, American University
Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies
Professor, American University
Assistant Professor, Trent University
For further information please contact Hasmet at huluorta@trentu.ca
The Second ISA - GSC Dialogue 2017: A Reminder
During the 2016 annual convention in Atlanta, the Global South Caucus, in conjunction with ISA Headquarters, hosted the inaugural Global South Dialogue. The dialogue was a forum that provided space for ISA members located in or with origins from the Global South to discuss their views of the ISA; their roles in the ISA; and the factors that have influenced the ability and willingness of Global South scholars to participate in the ISA.
The Dialogue proved to be a fruitful interchange that brought to light concerns about:
Perceived ideological, epistemological and methodological biases in ISA research and publications that may run counter to research agendas and approaches pursued by scholars in the Global South;
Travel, visa and other logistical matters relating to the location of ISA annual conference and meetings;
The barriers to involvement that the exclusive use of the English language in the ISA causes;
The risks to academic freedom that location in some areas of the Global South may pose and which may hinder involvement in the ISA;
The limited visibility and knowledge about the ISA and its utility in academic circles outside of the Global North.
The participants in this forum also provided valuable suggestions to address the issues raised. These perspectives, concerns and suggestions have been passed on to the leadership of the ISA and some actions have been taken in response. This year’s follow-up session will provide participants with information about these actions taken in response to the 2016 Dialogue and will allow ISA members an opportunity to continue the discussion in our efforts to continually enhance the association. Please come out and join the Dialogue on Wednesday, February 22, from 10:30 AM to 12:15 PM. Location: Paca, Hilton-Baltimore.
AGENDA Time Activity Facilitator
10:30-10:35 Welcome and Introduction Kristina Hinds Aigul Kulnazarova Lembe Tiky 10:35-10:40 Brief on last year’s dialogue Lembe Tiky
10:40-11:05 Travel grants and ISA resources: a. presentations – Boyer/ Tiky, 5 mins each b. discussion (including proposals/suggestions) Mark Boyer Lembe Tiky
11:05-11:30 Research collaboration and publications: a. presentations – Thies/ Kulnazarova, 5 mins each b. discussion (including proposals/suggestions) Cameron Thies Aigul Kulnazarova
11:30-11:55 Representation in ISA governing bodies: a. presentations – Leeds/ Hinds, 5 mins each b. discussion (including proposals/suggestions) Brett Ashley Leeds Kristina Hinds
11:55-12:05 Conclusion and recommendations Lembe Tiky Kristina Hinds (recorder)
12:05-12:15 Miscellaneous (announcement of new books authored by GSC members, etc.) Aigul Kulnazarova
Aigul Kulnazarova, Member of EXCOM, Global South Caucus
Tama University, Japan
Kristina Hinds, Member of EXCOM, Global South Caucus
The University of the West Indies, Barbados
Lembe Tiky, Director of Academic Development, ISA
University of Connecticut, USA
Special Guests
Brett Ashley Leeds, Incoming President, ISA
Rice University, USA
Cameron Thies, Editor-In-Chief, Foreign Policy Analysis Journal
Arizona State University, USA
Mark Boyer, Executive Director, ISA
University of Connecticut, USA
Call for Papers for Journal
CFP Dialectical Anthropology Special Section Nationalisms and the Middle East
As an idea, nationalism arrived late to the Middle East, gaining momentum only with the Ottoman Empire’s slow decline in the early twentieth century. Grafted onto the multiethnic and multireligious social fabrics of the Ottoman Empire, with the aim of consolidating the multitude of identities into a single unitary one, nationalism, in the countries of this region has been manifested in multiple forms. Zionism, which was initially external to the region, emerged in response to a long history of anti-Semitism in Europe. Arab nationalism (despite emerging in the early 20th century during the crumbling days of the Ottoman Empire) only solidified after the Second World War during decolonization. Arab nationalism evolved in response to contradictory experiences including territorial identities, pan-Arabism and colonial experience. In Turkey and Iran, nationalisms emerged as a response to their own imperial pasts, in the absence of the experience of colonialism. Notwithstanding these differences, however, in all of these cases, early nationalisms in the Middle East provided the ideological background for modernization. As the driving force of modernization, nationalism was operationalized by governing elites to silence and homogenize diverse experiences of class, gender, ethnic and religious differences in different parts of the Middle East. A nationalist surge, which started in the region at the dawn of the 20st century, is now in the early part of the 21st century.in[century.in] crisis throughout the Middle East. National identities, once imposed by regimes in Arabic speaking countries, have become fragmented along ethnic, religious, linguistic and also class lines. Turkish nationalism, which attempted to create a singular identity out of the heterogeneous populations of the Ottoman Empire, is now unable to project a unified image. It is largely incapable of mediating competing claims between Kurdish, urban secular and religious/conservative segments of the population. The delicate balance between religious and secular Jewish identities that was kept in place by modern Zionism is also under increasing stress, as the religious right has increasingly refused to accept traditional Zionism’s secular outlook. This special issue will reflect on the current state of nationalisms in the Middle East and invites papers that focus on but are not limited to the following topics for specific countries in the Middle East including Balkans: · _The rise of political Islam and declining national identities · _The impact of the neoliberal transformation of the region on national regimes · _Shifting ethnic, class and cultural identities in relation to national narratives · _Gender and national transformations · _The breakdown of national borders and new geopolitical realities The full manuscript should be approximately 7,000 words including notes and bibliography. Please indicate your interest by submitting an abstract with title by email to:
Guest editor: Feyzi Baban International Development Studies Trent University Peterborough, Canada fbaban@trentu.ca Important Dates: Abstract: March 6, 2017 Full Version: - June 1, 2017