Atlanta is coming up soon enough and I know that we are all getting our travel plans in order. While we will send out a brief newsletter alerting you to all our sponsored panels and events (quite a few and all very interesting), I wanted to tell you here about a few events that are of particular importance.
1) The Caucus Business Meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
206, Hilton Atlanta
It will be preceded by a special event: a Dialogue between ISA Headquarters and ISA participants from the global south. The dialogue is intended to be a discussion forum for you to air your thoughts and suggestions about your experiences with ISA and at ISA meetings. More information will be provided in due course.
10:30 AM
12:15 PM
12:15 PM
304, Hilton Atlanta
2) LUNCHEON At LAX LAGER'S: We all usually look forward very much to our networking luncheon. Where else during the convention can we meet such outstanding African, Asian and Latin American participants, all in a relaxed environment? This time we are honoring an Asian scholar and you have chosen American University's Prof. Amitav Acharya, past president of ISA. In addition there will be a brief tribute to the late Prof. Geeta Chowdhry. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS: FRIDAY March 18, 11.30-1PM.
As you know by now, all bona fide members of the caucus are invited to attend but unfortunately, we can only accommodate 35 people for the actual lunch. Therefore as usual , it's FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE in terms of responses to this invitation. So please let me know ASAP whether you wish to attend. The "lottery" opens FEBRUARY 1.
Max Lager's is within walking distance from the Hilton Hotel. Here is the buffet menu. In your note to me accepting this invitation, please let me know whether you prefer salmon or chicken.
As per usual, we ask for a contribution of $10 (purely voluntary) to keep our coffers in good shape. You may want to know that the buffet cost is actuallly $24.95 so $10 is a good deal for a great meal. Contributions will be collected at the Caucus Business Meeting on Wednesday or (if you can't be there on Wednesday) at the door or anytime you see me or Nanette Svenson during the convention.
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Max Lager's Wood-Fired Grill, Off-Site Venue
By Invitation Only 320 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta
Copperview Luncheon Buffet