Thursday, October 22, 2015

Distinguished Scholar Nominee -Please send in vote/comments by October 30.

Dear Friends:
Atlanta 2016 is around the corner and we need to  decide rather quickly who will be our nominee this year. As you know, we rotate geographically so this year we would like a nominee from Asia. Please note that the person can be doing any kind of work that is relevant to the south; in other words, a scholar from Asia does not have to be doing work ON Asia. The idea behind geographical rotation is simply to ensure that IR scholars around the south are recognized.

The following have been nominated this year:

1) Professor Amitav Acharya, for his work on non-Western theories/ perspectives of IR, particularly Asian IR. Link:

2) Prof. Mine Yoichi (Yoichi MIne, for his work on Africa, human security and development economics.
complete CV available from me on request.

3) Navrita Chadha Behera, Professor of Political Science, University of Delhi (India). :[].

3) Professor Akira Iriye, Charles Warren Research Professor of American History, Emeritus, Harvard University (USA).- works on global community in general. His bio can be found here:[].

Please note that the person you vote for should be familiar with ISA and likely to be able to get to the Atlanta convention, without any financial support from us!

Please contact directly with your vote and comments by October 30 The final decision will be made as usual by the Nominations Committee/Executive Committee. Many thanks.