Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer Notifications: Election Results; Call for Nominations for Distinguished Scholar Honoree

Dear Colleagues:

Summer is the time when we try to give you a break from emails and notifications, knowing that everyone is traveling or catching up with their research and you don't want to be bothered too much. But ISA never sleeps so here are a few things:
1) You will have received an email informing you that HQ has now moved to Connecticut. Please check the ISA website to follow any changes in personnel etc.
2) Thank you to all who have submitted paper and panel proposals for Atlanta, citing us as possible sponsor. There's a great diversity of proposals and we are doing our best to collaborate with the sections in finding a place for your proposals on the program.
3) Call for Distinguished Scholar Honoree:

For 2016, under our rotation system (Africa, Asia, Latin America), it is time for us to honor an Asian scholar (Middle East scholars can be considered either in the Africa or Asia round; Caribbean scholars are considered under the Latin American rubric).


Each year the Global South Caucus has honored a distinguished scholar at a luncheon held during the annual convention. In  this we respect geographical rotation and for 2016 the honor must go to an Asian scholar. Although the Executive Committee makes the final decision, we  like to encourage member input into the selection process. Please send your choice via comment on this blog entry. (We do not normally open our entries to comment but we are specifically doing so for this purpose.) Comments should be made by September 30. If you do not wish to comment here, please send your choice directly to jbraveboy-wagner@gc.cuny.edu. You must say why the person is being nominated and provide a link to or send a complete bio about the nominee.
The criteria for selection are the following:

The Global South Caucus’ Distinguished Scholar Award is given annually in recognition of the recipient’s exceptional and sustained contribution to global south international studies (defined within the context of the ISA), as reflected both in published works as well as policy contributions. If the recipient is able to attend the ISA convention at which the award is given, s/he will be expected to give a brief address to members, usually at a luncheon event.

General Information

Recipients must meet the Following Criteria

  1. A distinguished record of scholarship and usually a record of policy contributions reflecting a sustained interest in global south affairs. It is not required that the nominee be a member of the ISA but s/he should be at least familiar with the association and usually will have participated in some way in its activities in the past.


  • The recipient receives a plaque, which is presented at the ISA Annual Convention.

Selection Process

  • The Caucus Executive Committee will review nominations from the membership at large, and select the recipient.
  • The award will be presented during the ISA Annual Convention.

Election Matters

As you are aware, we were constitutionally due to hold EXCOM elections either before the last convention or within 30 days of same. We sent out ballots but unfortunately did not receive the percentage of votes needed to confirm the officers (15%). We the n opted to do a second round of balloting and we did better during that round. The vote totals amounted to just short of 10 percent of the membership.
The  EXCOM  has agreed to accept the result of the voting, with the caveat that we will return the officers (who normally serve for two years) to the ballot box before next year's convention.
Here, therefore, are the results of the vote for 2015-2016:

Paul Adogamhe, unopposed, 30 votes (Africa slot on EXCOM)
Kristina Hinds, 19 votes (Latin America/Caribbean slot on EXCOM)
Kevin Funk, 9 votes

Serkan Bulut, unopposed, 29 votes, Middle East slot on EXCOM
Aigul Kulnazarova, unopposed, 29 votes, Developing Eurasia slot on EXCOM

Nanette Svenson, 30 votes for Co-Chair of caucus
Imad Mansour, 30 votes for Vice President of caucus
Mariana Kalil, 29 votes for Communications Director of caucus
Eric Degila, 29 votes for continuing to ehad the Africa Initiative
Jason Strakes,  26 votes for continuing to head the Developing Eurasia Initiative

As noted, a re-vote will be scheduled pre-Convention 2016. Voting for the newsletter editorship as well as the treasurer will also be open so plan now if you wish to contest.
Suggestions from the membership are welcome regarding all aspects of the voting system. Just email here

Your summer newsletter is being prepared. Please email any information to here.

Have a wonderful summer.