Dr. Arlene B. Tickner received her Ph.D. from the Miami in 2000 and is now Professor of International Relations at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. October 2004-present (on leave from August 2007 to June 2008). Among ISA members she is well known for initiating a series of works on Worlding IR, co-editing (with Ole Wæver), International Relations Scholarship around the World, London: Routledge, 2009; and with David L. Blaney, Thinking International Relations Differently, London: Routledge, 2012, and Claiming the International, London: Routledge, 2013. Among Latin Americanists she is known for her extensive publications on Colombian and Latin American foreign policy and diplomacy, drugs and security, civil society, inter-American affairs, and alternative thinking in Latin American IR theory. Although primarily a scholar, she has also prepared briefs for the Colombian parliament, Andean parliament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Trade and Trade, and policy papers for a number of international and local nongovernmental organizations. As her nominee for the award noted:
''Arlene Tickner is probably the Latin American scholar that has brought the longest and most sustained contributions/ perspectives of this global south to the study of international relations. Her 3 books in the Routledge Worlding Beyond the West series is only the latest proof of her lasting academic effort.”
The Global South Caucus congratulates Arlene on her major contributions to expanding the way we see international relations, and especially for her continuing contributions to Latin American scholarship.