Friday, June 24, 2011


Each ISA section has been invited to sponsor a panel at the ISA-British International Studies Association joint conference scheduled for the summer of 2012. The joint conference will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 20-22, 2012. The conference theme is "Diversity in the Discipline: Tension or Opportunity in Responding to Global Challenges".

Conference details can be found at

While Naren and I are interested, we would also like to invite you to propose a paper. We can select the most appropriate papers to be put together in a panel. Please send your paper proposals to me and/or Lisa Richey by
10th July 2011.

Hope you are enjoying your summer,



Friday, June 17, 2011

Miscellaneous Information (conferences, jobs etc)

Please check the UN DESA site for information regarding important upcoming conferences on sustainable development (Rio plus 20) and indigenous rights (link below). See ISA's home page for information on contacting the NGO representative.

Request for Proposals / Researcher on Brazil or India / The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) / Location: Flexible / Closing Date: open until filled
AWID is seeking an excellent researcher, preferably working from a feminist and/or women’s rights perspective, with subject matter knowledge on the extra-national, i.e. regional and global influence of Brazil or India. The researcher will provide background research for an overview article on the growing role of one these two countries in its region and globally and the implications of this for organizing by civil society organizations and women’s movements.
Among the topics to be covered include: the growing role of these countries in world geopolitics, global economic crisis management and regional blocs (including military, trade and aid policies).
The research will provide background for an article that is part of an AWID series on “What’s Next for Women’s Rights?”
The research consultant will work closely and iteratively with the Lead Researcher and Writer from AWID’s Information and Communications team to define and focus the scope of the research and determine what data/research is required.
· Experience doing and conveying background research in written formats (e.g. prose, notes, talking points, etc.)
· Fluency with global-south-based, progressive research sources on Brazil or India
· At least 5 years experience researching the extra-national role of Brazil or India
· Familiarity with women’s rights and women’s organizing and knowledge of where/how to obtain this data on this
· Ability to quickly absorb and cull considerable amounts of information and identify that which is most relevant for the topic and audience
· Oral and written fluency in English
· Demonstrated ability to work to meet deadlines and incorporate feedback
· Reliable email, internet and skype access
To apply, please send:
  1. Cover letter (not to exceed 1 page) demonstrating how your experience relates to the above qualification; please also detail your availability (hours per week) in the upcoming months and hourly rate
  2. Your CV
  3. One research extract of no more than 1000 words researched and written with a gender-sensitive, women’s rights and/or feminist focus
  4. Names and contact information for 2 people familiar with your research skills

Send applications in one email, with the four documents requested above as attachments to:
Dr. Masum Momaya at (please include “Brazil/India Researcher” in the subject line)

No phone calls please. Only email applications will be accepted.
AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its work.
Request for Proposals / Researcher on China / The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) / Location: Flexible / Closing Date: open until filled
AWID is seeking an excellent researcher, preferably working from a feminist and/or women’s rights perspective, with subject matter knowledge on China. The researcher will provide background research for an overview article on China’s involvement, influence and impact on global geopolitics and the implications of this for women’s rights and organizing by women’s movements.
Among the topics to be covered include: China’s role on the UN security council and China’s influence in shaping the framing of human rights within and beyond the UN system.
The research will provide background for an article that is part of an AWID series on “What’s Next for Women’s Rights?”
The research consultant will work closely and iteratively with the Lead Researcher and Writer from AWID’s Information and Communications team to determine what data/research is required.
· Experience doing and conveying background research in written formats (e.g. prose, notes, talking points, etc.)
· Fluency with global-south-based, progressive research sources on China
· At least 5 years experience researching China
· Familiarity with women’s rights and women’s organizing and knowledge of where/how to obtain this data on this
· Ability to quickly absorb and cull considerable amounts of information and identify that which is most relevant for the topic and audience
· Oral and written fluency in English
· Demonstrated ability to work to meet deadlines and incorporate feedback
· Reliable internet, email and skype access
To apply, please send:
  1. Cover letter (not to exceed 1 page) demonstrating how your experience relates to the above requirements; in the cover letter, please also detail your availability (hours per week) in the upcoming months and hourly rate
  2. Your CV
  3. One research extract of no more than 1000 words researched and written with a gender-sensitive, women’s rights and/or feminist focus
  4. Names and contact information for 2 people familiar with your research skills

Send applications in one email, with the four documents requested above as attachments to:
Dr. Masum Momaya at (please include “China Researcher” in the subject line)

No phone calls please. Only email applications will be accepted.
AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its work.
Request for Proposals / Researcher on the Energy Crisis / The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) / Location: Flexible / Closing Date: open until filled
AWID is seeking an excellent researcher, preferably working from a feminist and/or women’s rights perspective, with subject matter knowledge of the energy crisis. The researcher will provide background research for an overview article on the implications of the energy crisis (including as related to oil, natural gas and nuclear power) for women’s rights.
Among the topics to be covered include: women’s rights in emerging petro-powers (e.g. Angola, Brazil, Ghana and South Sudan); the impact of pipeline projects in South and Central Asia for women worldwide; and how women may be impacted by shifting global nuclear geopolitics.
The research will provide background for an article that is part of an AWID series on “What’s Next for Women’s Rights?”
The research consultant will work closely and iteratively with the Lead Researcher and Writer from AWID’s Information and Communications team to determine what data/research is required.
Targeted completion date for the all background research to be complete is June 3, 2011.
· Experience doing and conveying background research in written formats (e.g. prose, notes, talking points, etc.)
· Fluency with EE/CIS and/or global-south-based, progressive research sources on the energy crisis
· At least 5 years experience researching the energy crisis
· Familiarity with women’s rights and women’s organizing and knowledge of where/how to obtain this data on this
· Ability to quickly absorb and cull considerable amounts of information and identify that which is most relevant for the topic and audience
· Oral and written fluency in English
· Demonstrated ability to work to meet deadlines and incorporate feedback
· Reliable internet, email and skype access
To apply, please send:
  1. Cover letter (not to exceed 1 page) demonstrating how your experience relates to the above qualification; please also detail your availability (hours per week) in the next 4 months and hourly rate
  2. Your CV
  3. One research extract of no more than 1000 words researched and written with a gender-sensitive, women’s rights and/or feminist focus
  4. Names and contact information for 2 people familiar with your research skills

Send applications in one email, with the four documents requested above as attachments to:
Dr. Masum Momaya at (please include “Energy Crisis Researcher” in the subject line)

No phone calls please. Only email applications will be accepted. The deadline is 5:00pm EST on May 1, 2011. We thank all who apply, but only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Candidate interviews will begin the week of April 18th, 2011.
AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its work.

Request for Proposals / Researcher on Gender & Organized Crime / The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) / Location: Flexible / Closing Date: open until filled
AWID is seeking an excellent researcher, preferably working from a feminist and/or women’s rights perspective, with subject matter knowledge on organized crime. The researcher will provide background research for an overview article on the relationship between women’s rights and one or more transnational organized crime networks (e.g. such as those related to drugs, minerals and money).
Among the topics to be covered include: the explication and operation of a given organized crime network in a context and transnationally and its impact on women’s lives and women’s organizing. Note: For this research project, AWID is not interested in focusing on the issue of trafficking.
The research will provide background for an article that is part of an AWID series on “What’s Next for Women’s Rights?”
The research consultant will work closely and iteratively with the Lead Researcher and Writer from AWID’s Information and Communications team to determine what data/research is required.
· Experience doing and conveying background research in written formats (e.g. prose, notes, talking points, etc.)
· Fluency with EE/CIS and/or global-south-based, progressive research sources on organized crime
· At least 5 years experience researching a given type of organized crime network
· Familiarity with women’s rights and women’s organizing and knowledge of where/how to obtain this data on this
· Ability to quickly absorb and cull considerable amounts of information and identify that which is most relevant for the topic and audience
· Oral and written fluency in English
· Demonstrated ability to work to meet deadlines and incorporate feedback
· Reliable internet, email and skype access
To apply, please send:
  1. Cover letter (not to exceed 1 page) demonstrating how your experience relates to the above qualification; please also detail your availability (hours per week) in the next 4 months and hourly rate
  2. Your CV
  3. One research extract of no more than 1000 words researched and written with a gender-sensitive, women’s rights and/or feminist focus
  4. Names and contact information for 2 people familiar with your research skills

Send applications in one email, with the four documents requested above as attachments to:
Dr. Masum Momaya at (please include “Organized Crime Researcher” in the subject line)

No phone calls please. Only email applications will be accepted. The deadline is 5:00pm EST on May 1, 2011. We thank all who apply, but only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Candidate interviews will begin the week of April 18th, 2011.
AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its work.

Talk to Us About...

Let's begin a dialogue by blog about what IR issues and perspectives are important to GS nations/regions today, what your own scholarship is about, important books, and what you would like the GSCIS to be focusing on. Please title your comments accordingly:
IR Issues/Perspectives
Other (any other area you want to discuss)

Posts are moderated.

Welcome to the Global South Caucus

From The Chair at
Welcome to the blog of the Global South Caucus for International Studies. The purposes, charter, list of initial executive committee members etc. are all now available on the ISA website ( We will soon begin to publish a newsletter: along with pertinent information about caucus activities, the newsletter will contain information which you, the members, send to us for publicizing; so please begin to send us your tidbits (send to me or to the Secretary-Treasurer for forwarding to the newsletter team).
We are grateful for the many persons who have written to us expressing interest in the caucus. As you renew your membership (which is around this time for most of us), please remember to click the Global Caucus box. We expect that it will be five dollars well spent!
As you know, the major task for all sections and caucuses over the past month has been ensuring that proposals are sent in for Convention 2012 in San Diego. The caucus has been open to co-sponsoring any pertinent panel or workshop on global south issues (defined broadly as issues affecting Africa, Asia, Latin America. the post communist states, and southern pockets in the North), and members have offered a few panel proposals for direct sponsorship by the Global South Caucus (thank you). Two of the latter relate to cross-(ISA)sectional approaches to the Global South (intended to foster a dialogue among members who would like to know more about IR foci other than their own), as well as a discussion of teaching, research, career, mentorship and other issues. As many of you know, we initially wanted to form a Working Group (see ISA site for a description of these) which would meet at least three times during the convention. However, ISAHQ needs a year's lead time to accommodate these working groups and we will instead put this down on the agenda for next time. On the other hand, a workshop on these issues in 2012 will most surely lay the foundation for 2013. Based on our experience this year so far, we will hope for a higher panel allocation/exemptions for co-sponsorship in the future. But that of course depends on how many people participate in the caucus.
A special word about our planned Innovative Panel. In keeping with the theme of the convention and with the support of President Simmons, we are hoping to hold a virtual panel on the theme of the impact of media/new media on civil society in the global south. We are still in the process of identifying relevant scholars/policy persons from the global south who might be interested in participating by liaising with our facilitators who will be on the ground in San Diego. Anyone who is, or knows someone from global south regions who might be, interested, please contact me. Forward a brief bio and a brief proposal outlining what you/your colleague might speak about. Let me know whether there are any particular issues/obstacles. preferences involved in you/your colleague's participation from a home base in the (former) "third world." Please do so by July 1 as we have to work with ISAHQ on this.

Important: In San Diego, we would like to honor a prominent scholar who has contributed a great deal to global south international relations/studies. Instead of a panel, which the sections normally hold, we would like to hold a luncheon at which the honoree can say a few words. A couple of suggestions for honorees have already been made but we would like to invite more of you to send us your suggestions. Please do so as soon as possible.

One other thing: FPA has a blog link to which we have been asked to link. It relates to an innovative panel held in Montreal 2001. For information see