Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays and news about Newsletter volume 1

Dear Colleagues:
Happy holidays whatever you celebrate. Good news! The first volume and edition of the GSCIS newsletter is now out (well, as soon as ISA puts it up). I'd like to draw your attention to a special featured article, a thoughtful commentary, entitled "Seasonal Effects of the Arab Spring" by Imad Mansour of McGill University. From time to time we will feature such pertinent articles. Please feel free to send in your comments.
The very best,

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The GSCIS Developing Eurasia subsection proposal

Jason E. Strakes

International School for Caucasus Studies

Ilia State University

Tbilisi, Georgia


While the recently independent states of former Soviet Eurasia exhibit many of the conditions and characteristics of post-colonial and developing nations, the study of these countries in the U.S. and Western European academy has traditionally been either relegated to a generic "post-communist" subfield, or framed according to narratives of an enduring geopolitical dichotomy between power centers representing a reified "East" and "West". It is thus arguable that these disciplinary conventions have possibly imposed unnecessary limitations on the ability of regional scholars to introduce new approaches and, more importantly, to generate novel findings regarding the foreign policies and international relations of these states. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to extend a proposal for establishing a research agenda within GSCIS directed at developing a conceptual framework for integrating "Eurasian" and "developing"/Global South perspectives in IR.

One recent empirical example which underscores the relevance of this endeavor is provided by the case of Azerbaijan, which in spring 2011 became the third former Soviet republic (following Belarus and Turkmenistan) to join the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), defying the expectations of observers who have sought to characterize it as an inherently "pro-Western" or "European-oriented" state. The creation of a Eurasian/developing north facility within GSCIS would serve to attract participation by regional scholars who question prevailing standards of categorization, as well as to address current trends and expand the scope of regional studies within the discipline. Interested parties may direct correspondence to:

Friday, October 14, 2011

IMPORTANT: Incorporating Eurasia into GSCIS

The GSCIS wishes to initiate a Developing Eurasia subsection. Here is a proposal from
Jason E. Strakes
International School for Caucasus Studies
Ilia State University
Tbilisi, Georgia
Please take a moment to review.

While the recently independent states of former Soviet Eurasia exhibit
many of the conditions and characteristics of post-colonial and
developing nations, the study of these countries in the U.S. and
Western European academy has traditionally been either relegated to a
generic "post-communist" subfield,
or framed according to narratives of an enduring geopolitical dichotomy
between power centers representing a reified "East" and "West". It is
thus arguable that these disciplinary conventions have possibly imposed
unecessary limitations on the ability of regional scholars to introduce
new approaches and, more importantly, to generate novel findings
regarding the foreign policies and international relations of these
states. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to extend a
proposal for establishing a research agenda within GSCIS directed at developing a conceptual framework for integrating
"Eurasian" and "developing"/Global South perspectives in IR. One recent
empirical example which underscores the relevance of this endeavor is
provided by the case of Azerbaijan, which in spring 2011 became the
third former Soviet republic (following Belarus and Turkmenistan) to
join the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), defying the expectations of
observers who have sought to characterize it as an inherently
"pro-Western" or "European-oriented" state. The creation of a
Eurasian/developing north facility within GSCIS would serve to attract
participation by regional scholars who question prevailing standards of
categorization, as well as to address current trends and expand the
scope of regional studies within the discipline. Interested parties may
direct correspondence to:

Update on Our Activities

Dear Members and Friends:

Since I last posted, Program Chair Lisa Richey and I have been very busy trying to maximize the GSCIS’s presence at the next ISA, despite the fact that caucuses are allotted so few slots in the program. We know that if we prove ourselves capable this time around (as we will), we will be able to secure more slots in the future. We are sponsoring/co-sponsoring panels on inter-sectional approaches to the GS, teaching and research about the GS, emerging powers, and gender/race perspectives. In addition, we have finalized an innovative panel which was supported by ISA’s president, within the theme of civil society and the information era. Various regional scholars will participate virtually with discussants located on the spot in San Diego. I am certainly preparing to push forward various publications from the presentations in San Diego.

I should add that we are pleased that other sections have been so supportive of us. Special kudos to Aseem Prakash who heads IPE. We will be inviting other sections to participate in the luncheon for Ali Mazrui.

Our website is also up, our constitution drawn up (still subject to member approval in S.D.), and we have initiated these two blogs – one by me, primarily used to post messages which would take too long to be routed via ISA, and the second by Secretary-Treasurer Griffin, intended to be a more legitimate blog. A short newsletter should be coming out soon. if you wish to publicize anything you’ve done or provide conference information etc, please do so soon. Photos, podcasts etc. are particularly welcome so that we can liven things up a bit. Just send to me or to Clifford Griffin.

Clifford has opened up a blog on Prof. Ali Mazrui who will be our first distinguished scholar honoree. Please write anything complimentary about him on the blog. We will collect these comments up until the convention for forwarding to him as a package. Prof. Mazrui will receive a certificate in San Diego at a (for now, “box”) luncheon which we are trying to arrange in as classy a manner as possible given ISA’s time and style restrictions. More information will be available soon.

Participants need to register for the ISA Convention by October 17th. Other convention information is available on the ISA website so there is no need to repeat it here.

Fiinally, we have offered to sponsor a panel on "Exploring 'Difference' in International relations: Theory and Practice in the Global South" for the BISA/ISA Joint Convention next June in Edinburgh. We await word on whether our panel has been accepted.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On Ali Mazrui

Professor Ali Mazrui will be the recipient of the Global South Caucus' inaugural Distinguished Scholar award, which will be presented at ISA's 2012 Convention in San Diego, CA. Prof. Mazrui has had a distinguished record of scholarship and community service. I imagine that there are many, who like me, first encountered Dr. Mazrui's work through this groundbreaking PBS series, The Africans. I watched each weekly episode on PBS and happily put my (then leading digital medium) VCR to work and recorded them all. Well, they are in a box in my garage but...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Climate Change Conference

Dear Colleagues,

This is to announce the call for papers for the Climate Change Network Team Conference 2011(CCNT11), 9th - 13th September 2011 at London Garden Hotel, 20 Brook St, Westminster, London, W1K 5DE, United Kingdom.


The financial, food, fuel and climate crises are individually serious issues, but in combination their impact could be catastrophic for the global economy. Perhaps we stand at a crossroads. Even as we move into a global economic downturn there are growing calls for an accelerated transformation towards low carbon and resource productive economies. To move forward will require new and more efficient solutions, technologies and products alongside behavioral change. Climate change is now universally recognized as a significant global environmental challenge and as a consequence, debate over the measures needed to tackle climate change has moved up to the top of the agenda amongst civil society, business and government. The United Nations Climate Change Conference COP16 2010 in Cancún, Mexico highlighted the major challenges and opportunities associated with climate change as we move towards post 2012 carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction targets. In January 2008, the UK raised the bar by announcing a target of cutting CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050. Innovation will be a core part of the way forward. The Stern Review underlined that increased investment in R&D and innovation could significantly reduce CO2 emissions and we have seen more than £3 billion of venture capital invested in clean tech worldwide since January 2007 (Source: Ernst & Young). However, we need to create much better international, national and regional structures and systems to adapt to climate change as well those to stimulate, nurture and progress new low carbon ideas through R&D to commercialization and the marketplace. A new system is needed that fosters sustainable, low carbon and resource productive innovation - short, medium and long-term. Designers, innovators, investors, entrepreneurs, consumers and governments all have a role to play in the change that is needed.

CCNT Conference 2011 themed “Impacts of the Global Recession on Sustainable Development", Global Warming Policy and Markets will provide a platform to discuss the future opportunities and challenges related to the design, development and commercialization of renewable energy innovation, technologies, products and services. CCNT Conference 2011 will include invited and refereed papers from academics, consultants, entrepreneurs, investors, technology providers, designers, sustainability, environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) managers as well as other business functions. The event will be a unique learning experience, networking space and an opportunity to think. Delegates will come globally from companies, entrepreneurs, as well as academia, government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The conference is supported by an international Advisory Board.

Conference Topics

CCNT Conference 2011 welcomes conceptual and research-based papers covering sustainable innovation, technology, product and service design and development. Papers focused on low carbon energy solutions and sustainable innovation related to the following topics are particularly welcomed:

· Global Warming and Climate Change and the Oceans
· Sustainable Environment, Health and Development
· Remote Sensing and Global Surveillance
· Water Resources Management
· Carbon & GHG Management
· Extreme Events and Impacts Assessment
· Greenhouse Gas & Ecosystems
· Human Health In a Changing Climate
· Agricultural and Forestry Resources Management
· Clean Energy Technology
· Low GHG Transportation
· Education: Global Change & Sustainable Development
· Case studies

CCNT Conference 2011 will provide a range of benefits to speakers and delegates:

  • Sponsorship: Air ticket, visa fees and per diem to be covered for all qualified delegates
  • Unique: Forum for new ideas and concepts
  • Leading-edge: Presentations from key international researchers, practitioners and policy- makers
  • Content: New research, results and thinking
  • Networking: Opportunities to meet business, government and academia
  • Track-record: Over 900 delegates from over 50 countries have attended previous conferences
  • Established: 4th international conference

Submission Details
Conference papers: please email to, fax or email up to 500 words describing your proposed paper on or before 19th August, 2011. The paper will then be sent to the Advisory Board for evaluation and authors will be given feedback before 26th August, 2011. The highest rated papers will be invited to present at the conference. Please only submit abstracts if you have registered for the conference. Registration is free of charge for participants from developing countries.

For more information on CCNT Conference 2011 please contact:

Dr. Frank Jones
Conference Chair
117 Putney High Street, SW15 1SS,
London, United Kingdom.
Tel: 070-2401-7133, 070-2401-7116
Fax: 070-240-17174

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

BISA- Circulation Request

From BISA's Africa and International Studies Working Group
Dr. William Brown, Convenor
((see: :

As you may know BISA and ISA are holding a joint conference in Edinburgh in June next year and BISA are looking in particular for panels that are collaborations between BISA working groups and ISA groups. I am writing to ask if the South Caucus might be interested in any joint endeavours with the Africa and International Studies Working Group?

I wonder if you might be willing to contact members of the South Caucus to ask for expressions of interest in joint panels on global development and Africa? The working group currently has a general call for panel proposals out (copied below) and we also have a call for expressions of interest in a particular panel on ‘Governing and contesting African environments’. If you felt able to circulate these, we’d be most grateful. If you had other ideas on developing joint proposals we’d be very happy to try to progress things. As you may know, BISA working groups are able to propose up to five panels for conference (one of which is guaranteed a slot) so we’re hoping to gather together panels proposals by mid-August.

Joint BISA-ISA International Conference
Diversity in the Discipline: Tension or Opportunity in Responding to Global Challenges
20-22 June 2012 Edinburgh, Scotland

To have the chance of being put forward for BISA's slate at this joint BISA-ISA Conference in Edinburgh next year, via the Africa and IS Working Group, panel details will need to be sent to Dr. Stephen Hurt ( by Monday 15th August. PLEASE NOTE THIS EARLY DEADLINE.

If people have an idea and are looking for others to join a panel, I am happy to forward messages to the rest of the working group ‘advertising’ your suggested panel ideas.

As a Working Group we have one agreed slot. We can propose up to five but only one of these will be guaranteed.

As a BISA Working Group it is important we have some representation at this annual conference.

The Africa and IS Working Group will consider co-ordinating panels on any subject in the field of Africa and International Studies/International Relations, which might include substantive research and/or theoretical debates. We will prioritise those panels which speak to the conference theme.

The call for papers highlights that joint submissions from ISA Sections and BISA working groups are warmly encouraged. We will be approaching relevant ISA Sections in this regard.

We have also been approached by the BISA Learning and Teaching Working Group as to whether we are interested in putting together something with them. If anyone is interested in this please contact our esteemed convenor, Will Brown (

You need to include a chair for your panel, plus a title and abstract for the panel as a whole. Then I need titles and abstracts for the papers and contact details for all paper givers. The use of discussants is optional. Convenors can include them at their discretion, depending upon the number of papers.

Please note the following rules on participation:

1. Delegates can present only ONE paper at the conference, including co-authored papers.
2. Delegates can also appear as Discussant or Chair on two further panels.
3. Graduate student participation in the conference is encouraged, but panels comprising only Graduate Students will not be permitted.

Call for expression of interest on panel: ‘Governing and contesting African environments

Abstract: Whether in regard to the extraction of natural resources (oil, gas, coal, aluminium, copper, etc) or the degradation of ecosystems (including agriculture, water, forests, and pollution) African environments have always been a focus of governance and contestation. New challenges are becoming increasingly evident, however, such as climate change, the intensification of agriculture, increased urbanisation and industrialisation, and new technologies such as GM and geo-engineering. New forms of governance are crystallising around community-based resource management, transboundary conservation areas, climate adaptation plans, new regulatory and investor agreements, and sustainable development strategies. New actors are also emerging, most obviously the Chinese presence in the competition for mineral resources, but also including land-for-food grabs by Gulf states and US university hedge funds, increased investment and strategic cooperation from India and Brazil, new coalitions around climate change and the UN Adaptation Fund, transnational corporations eager for raw materials, emerging consumer markets, or corporate ‘greening’ opportunities, and burgeoning global and local social movements mobilising around a wide range of environmental issues, broadly defined.
This panel seeks to explore cases such as these, as well as considering how best to theorise the governance and contestation of African environments. Are existing theoretical tools drawn from African studies, global governance, regime theory, social movement theory, ecological modernisation, sustainable development, critical political ecology and so on adequate to comprehend these developments? Or are new theoretical approaches needed, including new interdisciplinary borrowings and syntheses?

Researchers working on all aspects and at all levels of environmental politics in Africa are welcomed to submit a 200 word abstract and their institutional affiliation and contact details. Papers should include some reflection on the international and global dimensions of African environmental governance and contestation, as well as some reflection on the suitability of existing or new theoretical approaches to the field. Please send proposals to Dr Carl Death ( <> ) by Thursday 11 August.

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

San Diego Conference Update

Dear Members:
Many thanks to those of you who submitted papers and panel proposals with the GSCIS as either the first or second sponsor. Although our allotment was very small (tiny), Lisa and I have tried to expand it via requests for co-sponsorship with the larger sections. The Conference Co-Chairs are now in the process of putting together the preliminary program and members will be informed in due course about the status of their proposals. Meanwhile we are still in the process of finalizing our Innovative Panel which will take the form of a virtual conversation with persons in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We are still seeking a Middle East participant so if any of you know anyone who might be available, do let me know ASAP.
Thank you again,

From the UN Commission on Sustainable Development

ISA holds NGO status with the United Nations (JBW). Here is some information which may be of interest to GSCIS members:

As you are aware, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4-6 June 2012 to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED.

During this coming fall, the Rio+20 Secretariat will be organizing a number of social media activities with tools such as Facebook, Twitter and its dedicated Rio+20 website.

The activities will include, but are not limited to; discussion forums on the themes of the Conference and other cross cutting issues, a picture contest, as well an a unique opportunity to send world leaders a message directly from your home computer.

The strength of these activities is in the numbers! Please help us grow our social media presence, as well stay in touch with the Rio+20 preparatory process, by joining (liking) our Rio+20 Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.

Rio+20 Facebook:
Rio+20 Twitter:!/UN_Rioplus20
Rio+20 Website:

Rio+20 Secretariat

Questions? Contact us at

Workshop on Human Trafficking

From: Seo-Young Cho
Faculty of Economics
Georg-August-University of Goettingen
Platz der Goettinger Sieben 3
37073 Goettingen, Germany

3P Anti-trafficking Policy Index is available at


Workshop on

Human Trafficking, International Crime and National Security:

A Human Rights Perspective

February 3-4, 2012, Goettingen, Germany

We invite submissions for a workshop on human trafficking, international crime and national security with a particular focus on human rights, to be held in Goettingen, Germany, on February 3-4, 2012. As part of the European Commission’s Project on Indexing Trafficking in Human Beings, this workshop brings together economists, political scientists, and other scholars, as well as policy makers to address emerging problems of human trafficking and transnational crimes.

Distinguished Key Note Speaker

Beth Simmons (Clarence Dillion Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University, Department of Government)

Submission of Papers

Empirical, theoretical and policy-oriented papers on the topics are welcome. Please submit full papers to The deadline for submission is November 30th, 2011. Decisions will be made by December 31th, 2011.

Workshop Format, Attendance, Registration and Accommodation

Presenters of accepted papers are expected to attend the entire workshop. The number of presenters will be limited to about 30. Travel expenses will be reimbursed and accommodation will be provided for presenters of accepted papers. There is no registration fee.

Workshop Venue: Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany

Goettingen is an old university town located in the central part of Germany. It takes 2 hours from Frankfurt by train (

Workshop Website:

Program Committee

Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University)

Eric Neumayer (London School of Economics and Political Science)

Seo-Young Cho (University of Goettingen)


European Commission, Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security (Prevention of and Fight against Crime Action Grant)

We look forward to your submissions.

Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University)

Eric Neumayer (London School of Economics and Political Science)

Seo-Young Cho (University of Goettingen)


Friday, June 24, 2011


Each ISA section has been invited to sponsor a panel at the ISA-British International Studies Association joint conference scheduled for the summer of 2012. The joint conference will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 20-22, 2012. The conference theme is "Diversity in the Discipline: Tension or Opportunity in Responding to Global Challenges".

Conference details can be found at

While Naren and I are interested, we would also like to invite you to propose a paper. We can select the most appropriate papers to be put together in a panel. Please send your paper proposals to me and/or Lisa Richey by
10th July 2011.

Hope you are enjoying your summer,



Friday, June 17, 2011

Miscellaneous Information (conferences, jobs etc)

Please check the UN DESA site for information regarding important upcoming conferences on sustainable development (Rio plus 20) and indigenous rights (link below). See ISA's home page for information on contacting the NGO representative.

Request for Proposals / Researcher on Brazil or India / The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) / Location: Flexible / Closing Date: open until filled
AWID is seeking an excellent researcher, preferably working from a feminist and/or women’s rights perspective, with subject matter knowledge on the extra-national, i.e. regional and global influence of Brazil or India. The researcher will provide background research for an overview article on the growing role of one these two countries in its region and globally and the implications of this for organizing by civil society organizations and women’s movements.
Among the topics to be covered include: the growing role of these countries in world geopolitics, global economic crisis management and regional blocs (including military, trade and aid policies).
The research will provide background for an article that is part of an AWID series on “What’s Next for Women’s Rights?”
The research consultant will work closely and iteratively with the Lead Researcher and Writer from AWID’s Information and Communications team to define and focus the scope of the research and determine what data/research is required.
· Experience doing and conveying background research in written formats (e.g. prose, notes, talking points, etc.)
· Fluency with global-south-based, progressive research sources on Brazil or India
· At least 5 years experience researching the extra-national role of Brazil or India
· Familiarity with women’s rights and women’s organizing and knowledge of where/how to obtain this data on this
· Ability to quickly absorb and cull considerable amounts of information and identify that which is most relevant for the topic and audience
· Oral and written fluency in English
· Demonstrated ability to work to meet deadlines and incorporate feedback
· Reliable email, internet and skype access
To apply, please send:
  1. Cover letter (not to exceed 1 page) demonstrating how your experience relates to the above qualification; please also detail your availability (hours per week) in the upcoming months and hourly rate
  2. Your CV
  3. One research extract of no more than 1000 words researched and written with a gender-sensitive, women’s rights and/or feminist focus
  4. Names and contact information for 2 people familiar with your research skills

Send applications in one email, with the four documents requested above as attachments to:
Dr. Masum Momaya at (please include “Brazil/India Researcher” in the subject line)

No phone calls please. Only email applications will be accepted.
AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its work.
Request for Proposals / Researcher on China / The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) / Location: Flexible / Closing Date: open until filled
AWID is seeking an excellent researcher, preferably working from a feminist and/or women’s rights perspective, with subject matter knowledge on China. The researcher will provide background research for an overview article on China’s involvement, influence and impact on global geopolitics and the implications of this for women’s rights and organizing by women’s movements.
Among the topics to be covered include: China’s role on the UN security council and China’s influence in shaping the framing of human rights within and beyond the UN system.
The research will provide background for an article that is part of an AWID series on “What’s Next for Women’s Rights?”
The research consultant will work closely and iteratively with the Lead Researcher and Writer from AWID’s Information and Communications team to determine what data/research is required.
· Experience doing and conveying background research in written formats (e.g. prose, notes, talking points, etc.)
· Fluency with global-south-based, progressive research sources on China
· At least 5 years experience researching China
· Familiarity with women’s rights and women’s organizing and knowledge of where/how to obtain this data on this
· Ability to quickly absorb and cull considerable amounts of information and identify that which is most relevant for the topic and audience
· Oral and written fluency in English
· Demonstrated ability to work to meet deadlines and incorporate feedback
· Reliable internet, email and skype access
To apply, please send:
  1. Cover letter (not to exceed 1 page) demonstrating how your experience relates to the above requirements; in the cover letter, please also detail your availability (hours per week) in the upcoming months and hourly rate
  2. Your CV
  3. One research extract of no more than 1000 words researched and written with a gender-sensitive, women’s rights and/or feminist focus
  4. Names and contact information for 2 people familiar with your research skills

Send applications in one email, with the four documents requested above as attachments to:
Dr. Masum Momaya at (please include “China Researcher” in the subject line)

No phone calls please. Only email applications will be accepted.
AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its work.
Request for Proposals / Researcher on the Energy Crisis / The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) / Location: Flexible / Closing Date: open until filled
AWID is seeking an excellent researcher, preferably working from a feminist and/or women’s rights perspective, with subject matter knowledge of the energy crisis. The researcher will provide background research for an overview article on the implications of the energy crisis (including as related to oil, natural gas and nuclear power) for women’s rights.
Among the topics to be covered include: women’s rights in emerging petro-powers (e.g. Angola, Brazil, Ghana and South Sudan); the impact of pipeline projects in South and Central Asia for women worldwide; and how women may be impacted by shifting global nuclear geopolitics.
The research will provide background for an article that is part of an AWID series on “What’s Next for Women’s Rights?”
The research consultant will work closely and iteratively with the Lead Researcher and Writer from AWID’s Information and Communications team to determine what data/research is required.
Targeted completion date for the all background research to be complete is June 3, 2011.
· Experience doing and conveying background research in written formats (e.g. prose, notes, talking points, etc.)
· Fluency with EE/CIS and/or global-south-based, progressive research sources on the energy crisis
· At least 5 years experience researching the energy crisis
· Familiarity with women’s rights and women’s organizing and knowledge of where/how to obtain this data on this
· Ability to quickly absorb and cull considerable amounts of information and identify that which is most relevant for the topic and audience
· Oral and written fluency in English
· Demonstrated ability to work to meet deadlines and incorporate feedback
· Reliable internet, email and skype access
To apply, please send:
  1. Cover letter (not to exceed 1 page) demonstrating how your experience relates to the above qualification; please also detail your availability (hours per week) in the next 4 months and hourly rate
  2. Your CV
  3. One research extract of no more than 1000 words researched and written with a gender-sensitive, women’s rights and/or feminist focus
  4. Names and contact information for 2 people familiar with your research skills

Send applications in one email, with the four documents requested above as attachments to:
Dr. Masum Momaya at (please include “Energy Crisis Researcher” in the subject line)

No phone calls please. Only email applications will be accepted. The deadline is 5:00pm EST on May 1, 2011. We thank all who apply, but only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Candidate interviews will begin the week of April 18th, 2011.
AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its work.

Request for Proposals / Researcher on Gender & Organized Crime / The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) / Location: Flexible / Closing Date: open until filled
AWID is seeking an excellent researcher, preferably working from a feminist and/or women’s rights perspective, with subject matter knowledge on organized crime. The researcher will provide background research for an overview article on the relationship between women’s rights and one or more transnational organized crime networks (e.g. such as those related to drugs, minerals and money).
Among the topics to be covered include: the explication and operation of a given organized crime network in a context and transnationally and its impact on women’s lives and women’s organizing. Note: For this research project, AWID is not interested in focusing on the issue of trafficking.
The research will provide background for an article that is part of an AWID series on “What’s Next for Women’s Rights?”
The research consultant will work closely and iteratively with the Lead Researcher and Writer from AWID’s Information and Communications team to determine what data/research is required.
· Experience doing and conveying background research in written formats (e.g. prose, notes, talking points, etc.)
· Fluency with EE/CIS and/or global-south-based, progressive research sources on organized crime
· At least 5 years experience researching a given type of organized crime network
· Familiarity with women’s rights and women’s organizing and knowledge of where/how to obtain this data on this
· Ability to quickly absorb and cull considerable amounts of information and identify that which is most relevant for the topic and audience
· Oral and written fluency in English
· Demonstrated ability to work to meet deadlines and incorporate feedback
· Reliable internet, email and skype access
To apply, please send:
  1. Cover letter (not to exceed 1 page) demonstrating how your experience relates to the above qualification; please also detail your availability (hours per week) in the next 4 months and hourly rate
  2. Your CV
  3. One research extract of no more than 1000 words researched and written with a gender-sensitive, women’s rights and/or feminist focus
  4. Names and contact information for 2 people familiar with your research skills

Send applications in one email, with the four documents requested above as attachments to:
Dr. Masum Momaya at (please include “Organized Crime Researcher” in the subject line)

No phone calls please. Only email applications will be accepted. The deadline is 5:00pm EST on May 1, 2011. We thank all who apply, but only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Candidate interviews will begin the week of April 18th, 2011.
AWID encourages, promotes and supports diversity in all aspects of its work.